Fly high, Sea Eagle!
September 12, 2022 - The releasing of the Sea Eagle back into the wild was documented by the Provincial Veterinary Office.
A concerned citizen turned over the Sea Eagle to PENRO-DENR last August 24, 2022. It was then brought to the Provincial Veterinary Office where Dr. Diosdado D. Derigay, Jr. conducted an initial physical examination. It was found out that the said eagle was physically weak and a close monitoring was necessary and recommended prior to its release. Finally, after two (2) weeks, Dr. Derigay examined the eagle's health again and verified that it was healthy and fit for release. Mr. Victor B. Sabornido-PENRO Officer of DENR, Mr. Jeff Dalton Ramirez-Ecosystem Management Specialist, Dr. Margarito La Torre of Provincial Veterinary Office, some personnel of BLGU of Bongtud and representatives from CENRO of Tandag City were present during the release of the Sea Eagle in the Linungao Island, Barangay Bongtud, Tandag where it finally able to fly again back to its forest home.
#wildlifeconservation #seaeagle #SavingMotherEarth
#ProvincialVeterinaryOffice #SurigaodelSur #DENR