4th Quarter Joint Meeting of Provincial Nutrition Committee members and Municipal Nutrition Action Officers
The 4th Quarter Joint MNAOs and PNC Meeting is held on December 1, 2022, at the Shacene Pension House and Restaurant in Tandag City.
The 2022 Accomplishment, Program Implementation Review Report, and Nutrition on Holidays are the meeting's highlights.
Ms. Miloniza N. Serra, RND, the Provincial Nutrition Action Officer, gave a presentation on the successes of the Provincial Nutrition Office from January up to present. This includes holding quarterly meetings, facilitating trainings, hosting radio interviews, and distributing dietary supplements like Nutripak for children who are severly underweight or underweight, and Maternal Milk for expectant women who are underweight.
Ms. Rose Marie N. Pahit, RN, provided some holiday nutrition advice. highlighted the importance of moderation. Start your vacations off well with wholesome foods, including fruits and vegetables on your plate by using Pinggang Pinoy as an easy guide to transmit the proper dietary proportions, and work out while you're away from home.
A short Christmas party celebration was conducted as part of the afternoon’s activities. The local nutritionists enjoyed the celebration more since they showcased their singing and dancing skills. In addition to, there was also an exchange present with a twist being played in the left and right game while Ms. Marilou A. Panilan told the story about the Christmas Parade.