Orientation on Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) - Coaching on OPCR and IPCR Formulation
The Provincial Internal Audit Service Office personnel spearheaded by Gabriel C. Falcon, Jr., Provincial Internal Auditor attended the Orientation on Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) - Coaching on OPCR and IPCR Formulation conducted by Carolina P. Rivas-Tidalgo, EnP, Supervising Administrative Officer of Provincial Human Resource Management Office on January 31 to February 1, 2023 at IAS Office.
SPMS focused on linking individual performance with the agency’s organizational vision, mission and strategic goals. The orientation also aims to equip the personnel with further knowledge and help them formulate and align their Individual Performance and Commitment Review (IPCR) Targets with the Office Performance and Commitment Review (OPCR) Targets pursuant to CSC MC No. 6 s. 2012, Guidelines in the Establishment and Implementation of Agency Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS).