Health Program Monitoring, Evaluation and Distribution of Supplies - SDS Municipalities (Lingig to Tago)
Last January 16-17, 2023, the Provincial Health Office conducted monitoring, evaluation and distribution of logistics and supplies to the Municipality of Lingig down to the Municipality of Tago.
Below are the health programs that were implemented during the said activities:
1. National Tuberculosis Program (Coordinator: Marie Ruth O. Mancao, RN- Nurse II)
- NTP Presentation of Indicators and Target for 2023 to Municipal Coordinators
- Collection of 4th Quarter 2022 Slides and Delivery of Anti-TB Drugs and Supplies
2. Reverse logistics for empty vials for COVID-19 vaccine. Persons responsible in this activity are Mrs. Mary Jill D. Alvizo, RN-Nurse I and Mr. Rodrigo S. Gordo- Sanitation Inspector IV
3. Distribution of Drug Testing Kits and Monitoring and Evaluation of Community Drug Based Rehabilitation Program (CDBRP) by Mrs. Mylienne L. Ariarte, RN- Sanitation Inspector III
4. Distribution of Plaques to RHU Cagwait and RHU Barobo for the Implementation of Adolescent Friendly Health Facility by Mrs. Mylienne L. Ariarte, RN- Sanitation Inspector III, (Provincial Adolescent Health Program)
5. Monitoring of supplies and medicines for Filaria, Schistosomiasis among RHUs and District Hospitals by Mr. Rodrigo S. Gordo- Sanitation Inspector IV
6. Inventory of Dengue Testing Kits NS1 among RHUs and District Hospitals by Mr. Rodrigo S. Gordo- Sanitation Inspector IV, (Provincial Dengue Coordinator)
7. Distribution of Nutrition Logistics, Monitoring of Micro Nutrient Stocks and Ongoing OPT 2023 by Mrs. Rebecca Y. Loren, RND- Nutrition Dietician II
8. Distribution of Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension Logistics by Shanne D. Mandapat, RND- Nutrition Dietician I
With these activities, achieving and having healthier Surigaonons is ensured. The Provincial Health Office of Surigao del Sur always make sure to have the health programs be implemented in every municipalities and cities within the Province of Surigao Del Sur.